Sunday, March 4, 2012

It never fails...

If there's one thing I've learned in my years of knitting, it's that no project will be completed without some problem; and usually it's something really stupid on my part.  I guess I should've realized I was about due on this project.  I almost had the body of the sweater done and ready to attach the shoulders, when I realized my mistake.  I made one armhole wider than the other, throwing off the front widths.  On one side I had a normal armhole opening and on the other I had an opening big enough to put an elephant leg though.  It actually extended a quarter of the way across my chest, leaving a very narrow band of fabric in the front.

How did this happen?  How could I not see it until now?  Well, on the one side I accidentally bound off twice as many stitches for the underarm than I was suppose to, and I guess I just wasn't paying attention to the difference as I knit.  Looking at the photo I can totally see it now.

So what kind of stupid mistakes have you done in your knitting that took you awhile to realize?

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