Monday, December 31, 2018

Faceless Self Portrait

It seems as of lately, I only take the camera out when we're on vacation, or there's some event going on.  I decided now that I have a somewhat working studio I needed to give myself assignments as an excuse to play with my camera more.   But left to my own devices, the ideas just don't flow freely.  Last year a photography friend found the Dogwood Challenge, and I tried to follow along but life got in the way.  The 2019 Dogwood Challenge is starting up soon, and since I'm not working right now; to keep myself from going crazy I'm going to push myself out of my comfort zone and follow along until I go back to work this spring.

Week 1 Story Telling: Self Portrait
Take a picture that tells us who you are without actually showing your face

Sounds like a simple concept, but I'm finding it difficult to execute.  First of all I'm not sure how to tell a story with a photo.  I looked it up, and a photo should create intrigue and make the viewer question what is happening behind the image.  I'm not really sure how to acomplish that.

Secondly, how do I tell you who I am, when I'm not really sure myself?  I'm a mom, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a worry wort, a protectionist, a wannabe photographer.  Other than that I really don't know.  It's not like I have any interesting hobbies that help define who I am.  How do I explain these things in a photo?

After a quick selfie session this afternoon, I did manage to take one portrait, but I'm not convinced this is the one I'm going with.  Luckily I have the whole week to work on it.


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